Data and Information Management

DATABASES: Basic concepts on databases. Data models and languages. Database design and conceptual modeling. Operational aspects in database systems: query processing and optimization, transaction processing, concurrence control, database recovery, security and integrity.

DIGITAL LIBRARIES: Definitions of Digital Libraries; Theoretical Models, Basic and Complex Components (e.g, Collections, Catalogs, Services), Technological Aspects (e.g, Interoperability), Socio-Economic Aspects (e.g, Preservability, Sustainability, Copyright Laws), Digital Library Systems, Research Challenges.

WEB DATA MANAGEMENT: Web data characteristics, Semi-structured data modeling, Query languages, Web applications and environments.

INFORMATION RETRIEVAL: WEB SEARCH ENGINES: Information retrieval systems; Techniques, processes and metrics for information retrieval; Search engines.

DATA MINING: Process of knowledge discovery in databases. Basic concepts of data collection and engineering. Data Mining Techniques. Aspects of implementation. Fields of application.

TOPICS ON DATABASES: Variable course syllabus depending on the emphasis offered on databases.

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